Meet Makenzie,

Hi. My name is Makenzie Dale.

I am a dedicated yoga practitioner of 15 years, with a decade of teaching experience. My vocation is to share my sincere loving devotion for yoga, in hopes that it will touch the hearts and enrich the souls of others. My yoga classes are inclusive, option based comprehensive, intelligently sequenced and full of philosophical context. I am passionately and perpetually expanding my knowledge by studying the seemingly unending modalities and philosophies of yoga, this transcends into my offerings as a teacher.

Science suggests we cannot create or destroy energy however we can of course transform it, through self inquiry and sadhana I have learned this to be true. It is truly fascinating how one can completely transmute the nature of their energy by embodying yoga, this extends beyond the corporeal physical yoga practice. The law of spirit suggests our external reality is a direct manifestation and reflection of our inner state of being, therefore when one embodies the entirety of the practice (8 limbs) - in other words when one lives yoga, there is less suffering and more loving kindness, compassion, intuitive wisdom, innate peace and joy. This is the simple truth. Our greatest teacher is right there within us, may the light of our loving presence illuminate the path of yoga. It would be my truest honor and privilege to share with you in sadhana practice.

I am very honoured and excited to share everything that I know about philosophy, history, energy & consciousness during SoulSpeak Yoga’s upcoming YTT.  Shanti, Peace .